Well hello and welcome back my awesome friend :) As always, it's nice to have you here with us.
Just two or three Saturdays ago the Pastor at my church asked myself and my wife to join a mission. The mission? To be a part of a team with the ultimate goal of multiplying the church. She asked us to pray about it, ask God to put the fire in us (or not) to join this team, and just go. That was it. There's no plan already traced, there's no starting point, there's no special guide as to how to go about this. All we have is a blank map, and a goal. Nothing else.
This got me thinking about the way God operates. Moses was no leader, all God ask him to do was to trust that he would turn him into probably one of the best leaders this world has ever seen. All Abraham got was: "hey, leave your country and your family, into the land I'll show you". All the disciples got was: "follow me". All Joseph got was... silence and a dream from many years ago. All that Paul got was: "I will help you". Time and again God asked people to join His plan, without actually disclosing the plan. We know how all these stories ended, and if you don't, feel free to ask.
My friend, beloved reader, God calls out to each of us in unique ways, ways that only He and you know, but he rarely gives out the plan. When you're called to join God's plan, you will know you're being called. Here's the thing, Moses pulled out every excuse in the book and it's recorded as such in the Bible so you and I understand that it is NORMAL and HUMAN to feel doubt. When you feel the calling, you will also feel discoraged, tempted to bail, you'll feel lost, unworthy... and just about every bad feeling in the book. But you know what's one of the most repeated phrases in the Bible by God? "Do NOT be afraid". The message is clear, when God calls you out for a mission, trust that He will guide you and build you up for the challenge. How He's going to make someone up to the challenge out of you is HIS problem... all you need to do is to accept the call, pray, move forward... God will do the rest.
Food for thought.