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Understanding Genesis & Bible Prophecy

Every morning when turning on the news, seems like things are only getting worse by the minute. It is after reading and understanding the warnings given by Jesus is Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 that I am now more convinced than ever, that Jesus is coming soon. When? Nobody knows, it could be years from now, or months... Two things are for sure: (1) He is coming and (2) His coming is as near as our death is. When we die, is like going to sleep, we lose track of time and then we open our eyes to pick-up where we last left off. This time, however, our waking up from that 'sleep' will be to see Jesus return in His glory and majesty. So, when you think about how much time we still have left prior to Jesus coming, think of the fact that death can be as close as later today or tomorrow. Life is certainly uncertain and accidents can happen any minute.

Your time to accept His call is now.

One of my all-time favorite series in understanding not only the Bible but how Bible prophecy has unfolded, is the series by Pastor Stephen Bohr titled: "Cracking the Genesis" code. It is my ask to you in this post to please, carve some time out of your schedule and listen to the entire series I'm leaving for you below... you will certainly NOT regret it. Note that there are about 32 videos in the series. Whether you do it or not, I do ask you to study the Bible and ask God's guidance as you do so. Study, so that you won't be deceived.

Until next one friend!

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