Welcome back and thanks for joining us in this our 3rd topic on our Bible Prophesy series.
As a quick reminder, we're basing these series on Pastor Stephen Bohr's study guide/book " Prophesy made Simple" which can be downloaded digitally for FREE from this site or from Pastor Bohr's ministry site https://secretsunsealed.org . Furthermore, because the material has already been written, we decided not to re-write what's already out there but to focus on helping to continue spread God's final message through visual means (video).
Pastor Bohr's study guide / book.
This week's topic is mainly based on the 3rd chapter of the referenced book. We invite you and actually encourage you to read it as it's difficult to convey all the information presented in the chapter in a 5-min video.
Before commencing our brief discussion of what we'll talk here today, I do want to talk about something. A few days ago and through our social media channels, we received a comment stating something along the lines of: "Why are you studying prophecies by using someone else's book? Why not use the Bible directly?"... between the lines it was not very hard to tell that the person was simply, and rudely, invalidating our work because we're not using the Bible as the guide. Although to some degree there's some validity to the statement, should the person had actually seen the video and study the referenced book, he'll have noticed in no time that the entire study guide we're referencing is SOLELY based on the Bible. Pastor Bohr simply went through the "trouble" of listing the Bible verses in order and arrange them so that it's easier to follow along and find the verses in the Bible. Please, I invite you to download the study book and read it before thinking we're not basing our study in the Bible... With this, let's continue.
Briefly, this week's topic (and Pasto Bohr's 3rd chapter topic) deals with the Prophecy of the Fallen Star. Deals with understanding who Satan was (before he was called Satan), what caused his fall, what he did once he fell, and what he plans to do in light of his defeat to Jesus. It is important to understand this so that we know what we're facing and know that the only way to defeat such a being is by clinging to Jesus who already defeated him for us. As we'll see in a future study, Satan's ultimate world-wide "scam" will be to spread a lie which God has already left in the Bible for us to study; God has already warned us. It is our duty to study so that we don't get caught in the web of Satan's lies. Every day that passes is a day we're closer to Jesus' return. Connect with Jesus, study, and prepare because we never know when will our last opportunity to connect will be...
Download Pastor Bohr's book here:
With this, let's us talk!
Questions? Suggestions? Doubts? Ideas? Comments? Please, feel free to reach out to us by filling the form at the bottom of this page. Thanks for joining us and until next one!
God bless you friend,