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Meet the Everlasting God

It's a new year, new beginnings and opportunities in the horizon... exciting! Question for you, how well do you know God? I know, impossible question to answer but... just a rough estimate. If you don't know Him at all, then I sincerely invite you to make this your top priority on this New Year 2023; you will not regret it. If you do "know" Him already, or at the very least understand at a basic level God's loving nature, then you surely know that learning about God and developing a relationship with Him is a life-long journey. Regardless of where you stand in the "knowledge-meter", the important thing is that you're here, breathing and enjoying God's blessings and that these are key indicators that God has given you yet once more the opportunity to allow Him to get closer to you.

Personally, I get the best idea about who God is and His majesty when I look at pictures of space. The Universe we live in is so colossal, so beautiful and filled with wonders that it makes it easy to understand David when he wrote the following verse:

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." - Psalms 19:1

Without a doubt, David got it right.


I know the year is just starting so I honestly don't want to overwhelm anyone with an intense Bible study or theology analysis. The year is starting and all I want is to remind you once again that Jesus, that God is Never Far Enough from you, He loves you, and He wants nothing more than a close relationship with you. Just as a father or mother wants to stay close to his/her child, God wants to stay close to you, He is not only your Heavenly Father, but your Creator. When an artist finishes a masterpiece, the artist takes care of His work and ensures that it is treated with care... you are God's masterpiece. You are His creation and He wants to take care of you. Check out this verse:

"Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God." - Psalms 90:2

A psalm that was written not by David, but by Moses (fun fact). Take a pause for a second and read and meditate in the verse; from everlasting to everlasting... this means that God simply Has been, Is, and will Be from infinity past to infinity future. Think about a being so majestic and powerful, eternal that not only loves you, but wants a relationship with you. How amazing and mind-boggling is that? We all know that there's people in each of our lives that we love quite a lot, but we'd rather them to stay at a distance... from mothers in law to cousins and/or friends, there's always that someone who we love but we can live happily with them at a distance with the occasional FaceTime or Skype call. Well, God loves you but He doesn't want to stay at a distance from you, He wants to be a part of your every day... amazing love huh?

Friend, the more you look around at today's society the more evidence you witness about

the disastrous consequences to live in a world with a mission to eliminate God from it. There's too much hate, violence, greed, addictions, moral decay, depression... (among many others). We humans were created for a purpose and that purpose can ONLY be found by connecting to our Creator. Without God, we are merely unhappy living beings wondering around; purposeless, mission-less and waiting to die. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey today, I invite you to ask God into your heart and ask Him to show you what He wants for your life.

In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 1 we read the following:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

God knew each and every one of us before we were even in plans to be conceived. He has a plan for you, He wants to make your life a purpose-driven one... you just have to give Him the chance to enter your life and show you. So, how about that?

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock.If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomesI will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne." -Revelation 3:20

Will you accept the call?

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