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PLEASE, don't reject the call.

In the past few day's I've reflected a lot thinking about where God wants to lead me with this ministry. Without hesitation, and after many hours of reflection, I am convinced that the ultimate goal has and will forever be the same: to help bring others to Jesus.

Have you ever had something so good that you just want to share it with others and hope they'll take your word as to how good it is? That's Jesus for me. Ever since I sincerely gave myself to Jesus my life has turned upside-down. I feel energetic, with a purpose, on a mission, not scared of the trials this world can throw at me, and most importantly... safe. Of course, I am not saying that my life has been and forever will be perfect, Jesus Himself said we'd had troubles and tribulations while on this world, but it is not about not passing through trials, but about knowing that NO MATTER WHAT, Jesus is right there next to you to guide you through whatever situation you find yourself in. It is and has been my wish that more people would understand that and come to the arms of Jesus. There's simply no better place to be at.

Jesus wants to be with you. Jesus wants to hear from you. Jesus LOVES you... Some phrases that for many sound repetitive coming from a christian but that's where my human 'frustration' kicks in... these are not senseless nor repetitive phrases... they are a reality. There's absolutely nothing I can do to show you just how good can it be to come to Jesus, but there's much you can do. As a matter of fact, it doesn't take much effort on your side... just bend the knees and call upon His name. Ask Him to show you who He really is. Please. Jesus is just too good a friend and Savior. I can't make the decision for you, but I can ask you to reflect on this: Jesus is knocking at your door right now. Will you let Him in?

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." - Revelations 3:20

This week I decided not to make a blog-style video, but a video to reflect on who Jesus is. Hopefully it helps you better understand who Jesus truly is.

Come to Jesus.

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