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Reflections from my recent trip to Amsterdam

During the week of Thanksgiving this year I flew with my wife to the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Amazing what modern transportation can do for you and where it can take you in just a few hours. In a Saturday afternoon we were at the airport in the US, just a few hours later we were at the other side of the world landing in Amsterdam. Having gone to Venice Italy a few years ago and loving the "water canals through the city" lifestyle, I wanted to go to Amsterdam which closely resembles that city arrangement. Needless to say, the architecture did not dissapoint. The city of Amsterdam is beautiful, filled with dutch and, surprisingly, Spanish-speaking people. The water canals pleasantly compliment the landscape and the cold breeze made it easy to walk without overheating. The abundance of shops within the city streets called the crowds and the diversity of food was nothing to complain about. During the daylight, everything was honestly close to perfect, then sunset came.

The city of Amsterdam

I certainly do not encourage you to search for it on the internet but, after sunset the famous "Red light district", which is right-dab in the center of the city, comes alive. The atmosphere then takes a 180 degree turn. The beautiful city and all it has to offer becomes a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Up until my trip to Amsterdam I thought the city of Las Vegas in the state of Nevada was the "sin city" of the world... I was wrong. Drugs, sex, pornography and heavy prostitution takes over the city of Amsterdam at sun down.

With prostitution being illegal in the US and with still a sense of protection for our children, it is not common to see an over-sexualized environment just as you walk through the city. It is usually just certain spots hidden from the general transit areas. Not in Amsterdam. As I walked back to my hotel, inevitably walking through the district I was absolutely mind-blown at the scenes witnessed. More than just the horrible scenes, the fact that there was no restriction on who walks by. Children, babies, young people, adult people, all are welcome to see how perverse sin can be and walk through the red-lighted streets. As I walked, I just kept thinking about the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and how sin had delivered these cities to selfish, perversed pleasures.

One thing was for certain, without God, sin knows no limit. Without God, there is no brakes to the empty, vain, self-seeking of selfish pleasures. As Mr. Dovstoyevsky's stated: "Without God everything is permissible." Amsterdam is just another example of what happens to us when God and His law is rejected.

When I read through the Bible, I know that this is only going to get worse. We are in a no-return path to self destruction and we christians know that this only ends with Jesus returning in the clouds to execute the judgement upon the human race. Sin has to come to an end. Everything around us is in decay, including society morals and standards. Still, God has called upon us to give warning to the world on what's about to happen. He has called upon us to preach the gospel news, the good news to the world so that anyone that may want to accept the free gift of salvation can do so. I invite you to join God's army, to join the mission. Let's be the light God created us to be in a world filled with darkness, and let us call upon His beautiful name and exalt Him above all.

The disease of sin has overtaken the world, but there's a cure: Jesus. Let's share Jesus with the world.♥️

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