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S1 #1: Understanding the study of Bible Prophecy

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

Welcome to the first topic in a Series of topics in regards to Bible prophecy!!! 😃😃

Prophecies in the books of Daniel, Matthew and Revelations depicted in our Series picture

The study of Bible prophecy is one of the things I personally enjoy the most when it comes to studying the word of God. As a christian I can honestly say that one of the biggest reasons why I believe in the veracity of the Bible is because of the prophecies found in the Bible and how these have been fulfilling as God said it throughout this world's history. A few days ago I was asking God to help me figure out what topics should I speak about next on this page and YouTube and, within a matter of minutes I got a notification on Twitter that, when I opened, the post read:

I mean, is that clear enough or what? (LOL) God didn't hesitate on letting me know what I should be speaking about next. To that end, I decided to begin making a series of videos about Bible prophecy. At this point the question that came was... where to start? Well, as christians and workers in God's field I believe it is important for us to work together towards the spreading of God's word so, my focus wasn't much on me putting something together from scratch, but reference books and other sources to put a study together.

Not surprisingly, this considering my interest in the study of Bible prophecy, I have heard many sermons, series, and read books about Bible prophecy. Throughout, I have found that one of the most spiritually gifted men to understand and teach Bible prophecy is Pastor Stephen Bohr, President and Founder of Secrets Unsealed ( Pastor Bohr simply has a God-given talent to make the complexities of Bible prophecy easy to understand and has developed TONS of materials, books, series and videos explaining Bible prophecy. Note that ALL of his books and manuals are available to be downloaded free of charge in his ministry page. Link below:

A physical copy may also be obtained from Secrets Unsealed website at a small price. Pastor Bohr's ministry is a non-profit organization and depends solely on voluntary donations and the sale of their produced materials. Note that the links above are not affiliate links, I do NOT get any sort of compensation for referencing you to those links; it's not about gains, it's about spreading the word of God.

Putting together the direction at which God had pointed me to in regards to topics with what I know of Pastor Bohr's books, I thought it would be great to do a video series using as a main reference Pastor Bohr's written material. See, why re-write what has been written already? In an era where people (in general) would rather see a video than read, it believe would be beneficial to continue producing visual material for spreading God's word.


"How to Study Bible Prophecy?"

Pasto Bohr has a book, which can be found/downloaded in the website link provided above or right from this page (see below), that's titled: "Prophecy made Simple". In a sense, his book provides an overall journey through Bible prophecy in a simple and very straightforward way. Knowing what I wanted to accomplish with the series we're producing, I knew right away that using this book as a reference would be very beneficial and a very helpful guide.

Book download:

This week's topic is based on Chapter 1 of the book above. I invite you to read the chapter aside from viewing the video; especially should you want to deep-dive into the material some more.

Questions? Suggestions? Concerns? Comments? Don't hesitate to contact us using the form at the bottom of this page!

Thank you for joining! God bless you and until next one.

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