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Writer's pictureAllen Rodriguez

Love. God. Nature. It's that simple.

Hello there my beautiful family and welcome back! It's absolutely awesome to have you here with me. As a heads up, today we're going to keep things very simple... but of course, focused on our friend and Savior Jesus.

As a christian writer and blogger I find very interesting to talk about God's greatest "mysteries". I like to answer questions, to dig deep into the Bible, to talk about prophecies... for the next topic we'll actually dive into history and the evidence for Jesus outside of the Bible. In short... I like to challenge myself and I ask God for guidance as I write about topics I have to research about. Despite all this... a few days ago a thought I couldn't shake-off hit me.

The thought...

Let's take, of course, a look at some Bible verses :)

"In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the heights of the hills are His also. The sea is His, for He made it; and His hands formed the dry land." - Psalms 95:4-5
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork." - Psalms 19:1
"O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions -this great and wide sea, in which are innumerable teeming things, living things both small and great."-Psalms 104:24-25

... and my favorite and most on point with our study today:

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord..." - Psalms 33:5

Can you take a wild guess of where I am going with this and what my thought was? Well... in our journey as christians often times we struggle and doubt as we try and comprehend an Almighty, Eternal, Omniscient, Perfect, all-loving God. We dig deep into the Bible, we ask Pastors about Him, we study and even trouble ourselves trying to know more about God's love for us. Through all that we miss a simple yet very important truth... God created nature for US and God's nature is a reflection of both His power and His love.

God's blessings are often times hidden in the things we take for granted... the ability to see, to touch, to walk, to take in a landscape, to hear birds sing, so let the ocean waves touch our feet, to stare at a magnificent sunset, to hike through the mountains... Have you noted how relaxed the mind gets when staring at the stars, or mountains or the ocean? Actually, how relax it gets when processing anything that has to do with nature... even petting an animal...? It's no coincidence your mind relaxes; it was and is all part of God's design and intent. It's *one* of the many ways in which God expresses His love. Want to better understand God's love for us? Just stop being busy with your daily chores and take a look around.

As David wrote in the Psalm we just read... the earth is full of God's goodness. No, not the pleasures of this world which can trick you into feeling 'good'... but the gift of Gods. The mountains, the rivers, lakes, oceans, islands, the air, the sunlight, the moonlight, the clouds, the animals... all a reflection of His love and care for us. After all, He made it all for us.

Friend, throughout the past few years things in the world seem to be getting worse and worse (and will continue to get worse). In the ever increasing complexities of life Satan has made sure to keep us busy between debts, payments, work, chores, television, internet, media... and many other things which prevent us from pausing for a second and enjoy the gifts God's give to us daily. You that read me... don't let the affairs of this world prevent you from enjoying and reflecting on God and His gifts.Take time to spend with God and soak in His blessings. Do this, and I promise that your life will never be the same.

Check out this week's video which is intended to serve as a reminder of the little things that speak to us about God's love.

Don't take the little things for granted. It's one of the ways in which God, daily, tells you: "I love you".

Until next one my friend,

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