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Finding Peace in an Accelerated World

Hello and welcome back! It's been a while. I have been working tirelessly in a book, a christian book I may add, that I believe it's going to be of aid to all christians out there living in this increasingly atheist world. I had to take a pause from my blog and media channels to write but, we're back!

Cars moving in the city

Talking about our daily lives, for the most part, a "productive" day looks like this:

  • Waking up and having a healthy breakfast

  • Working (8+hours)

  • Working out

  • Doing house shores (from time to time)

  • Spending family time

  • Spending time with God

  • Reading a book or doing some sort of hobby

  • Having dinner

  • Having some "alone"/relax time

  • Sleeping

...and the cycle goes on and on. This does not even take into consideration when one has kids and have to do homework, when one needs to go to the hospital, shopping mall, or even the grocery store. I don't know about you, but my days are just not long enough for me to accommodate everything in that list. As expected, chores carry over from previous days, and the "to-do" list just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Needless to say, one now needs to deal with the stress levels that come with the amount of things in the list that must be completed. How can one live peacefully?! How can one take awaye the stress that comes with that amount of work?

That was me literally today (when I wrote this post), June 1st of 2024. So much to do, so little time. I went out to my car, locked myself in it to find a space where I can talk to God outloud and privately, and I just prayed. I wanted (and want) God's peace. I want him to help me focus. I want him to help me do more in an efficient way. So, I finished praying, took some minutes to read, and opened my Bible app in my phone. I kid you not, this is the verse that opened up along with a brief video message that was aimed to basically tell me: "chill!!!!".

"He [God] says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'" - Psalms 46:10

God knows life is a busy affair... still, he asks from us to take a full 24-hour day to rest in His 4th commandment (see Exodus 20). God is so serious about us taking time to rest that even animals were entitled to rest on the Sabbath day. More than that, God tells us: "BE STILL"... be calm, be cool, relax, take time, focus, let Me help you put yourself together. We now have faster cars, immediate access to information, airplanes, trains, computers... everything working together to make us get things done faster, yet, we have less time than ever before. Here is God, now, telling us: "BE STILL.". Here is God asking us to take a full 24-hour day and rest.

Life is busy, but God (having designed us) knew the secret to maintain peace in this ever-increasingly busy life: resting and maintaining a relationship with Him. Only like that can one achieve true peace. Jesus said:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28

Come to Him friend... come to Him. My stress mmediately went away. You know, the sanctuary, the tabernacle the Israelites were made to build so that God may dwell among them was, arguably, the most important work He gave the Israelites... yet, He told them not to work on it during the Sabbath. What does this tells you? It's ok to pause, it's ok to take a break and just let it all out with God... think about it, even God took a rest day after having finished His creation.

Until next one,

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