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S1 #2: Understanding History by Peeking Behind the Scenes

Welcome back and thanks for joining us in this our 2nd topic on our Bible Prophesy series.

As a reminder, we're basing these series on Pastor Stephen Bohr's study guide/book " Prophesy made Simple" which can be downloaded digitally for FREE from this site or from Pastor Bohr's ministry site . Furthermore, because the material has already been written, we decided not to re-write what's already out there but to focus on helping to continue spread God's final message through visual means (video).

Pastor Bohr's study guide / book.

This week's topic is mainly based on the 2nd chapter of the referenced book. We invite you and actually encourage you to read it as it's difficult to convey all the information presented in the chapter in a 5-min video.

Briefly, this week's topic (and Pastor Bohr's 2nd chapter topic) deals with the importance it plays in the study of Bible prophecy understanding that behind every story and conflict in the Bible, and even in our personal lives, there's a battle between God and Satan. Satan doing the impossible to separate us from the love of God and destroy us and God doing the impossible to save us from sin's ultimate price and redeem us. Is important to understand this in order to know that God has given us prophecies with the purpose of giving us hope (see topic #1 of these series) and with the purpose of showing us a picture of what's to come. God doesn't want to leaves us "in the blind", He wants us to see history unfold in front of our eyes and know that each day that goes by, is a closer day to His return (AMEN!).

Download Pastor Bohr's book here:

With this, let's us talk!

Questions? Suggestions? Doubts? Ideas? Comments? Please, feel free to reach out to us by filling the form at the bottom of this page. Thanks for joining us and until next one!

God bless you friend,

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