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Writer's pictureAllen Rodriguez

Disguised Lies... Dangerous

lies being highlighted

There's a reason the red riding hood story is so popularly used. There's a reason the phrase "a lion in sheep's clothes" exists. There's a reason Eve got tricked into disobeying God... The most dangerous and often successful type of lie is that which is mingled, mixed with truth. That has been one of Satan's most successful methods of deception and it continues to be to this day.

Some weeks ago I was scrolling through social media when I came across the post below:

the post

The ending of the post sounds so beautiful and has such a strong truth that it almost passes as an entirely accurate statement but... is it? It is not. Before continuing, see if you can spot the lie...

Here's how I read this:

The truth portion: "Faith/being a christian... is a beautiful spectrum."

Lie: everything else.

For any person that does not necessarily invests time studying the Bible or someone just starting to search for Jesus and ask for His guidance, such a statement can be mortal. Is like playing Jenga, the weaker the foundation, the more prone everything is to fall and turn into nothing. Statements like these are dangerous because ending with a beautiful truth statement almost completely disguises the lies embedded into the statement. Faith is indeed beautiful and the christian experience is indeed a beautiful spectrum simply because God uses and talks to all of us in many different ways. Evidence for this can be found all over the Bible.

Now, to state that you do not need to believe in the stories in the Bible such as Adam and Eve and even the story of Noah... is VERY far from God's word and truth. It is a recipe for disaster to "walk with Jesus" with this mindset. Why? Because admitting that one does not need to believe in the Bible stories can (and will) trigger this chain of events:

  • If I don't believe these stories are real then...

  • Jesus was quoting stories that weren't real then...

  • Jesus was lying and the Bible is filled with lies, then...

  • One can bring into questioning everything in the Bible then...

  • One can literally decide to pick and choose what to believe in then...

  • Christianity is based on personal preferences based on a book filled with fake stories then...

  • One can question if the existence of the God of the Bible is even real...

I'm sure there's more to the branches there but you get the gist. Recognizing that the Bible is the word of God, and authority over our lives, entails by default that one must TRUST that everything in it is true. Luckily, no blind faith is needed. There is plenty of evidence for everything in the Bible.

To wrap up... be careful with what you believe in. All it takes for lined up dominoes to fall all together is for one to trip...

Until next one,

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