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Writer's pictureAllen Rodriguez

God goes out, Satan comes in... our new sad reality.

Well hello and welcome back my beautiful family. Glad to have you here with me today and if this is your first time, welcome to the NFE family! I'll admit that today's post was hard to write and even put together because it's such a sad reality and new "normal" way of living that discussing it without coming straight-out offensive is hard. So, let me be the first to state that I DO NOT intend to offend anyone with the contents of this post, but just want to simply expose what has became the "new normal". It is clear and evident that God is being pushed out more and more every day that goes by from our daily lives (I'm speaking in terms of society as a whole), and while that's not good, I still respect that. God gave us all the capacity and ability to choose and have free will, so if He respects it, why wouldn't I? The part that I have a problem with is the fact that talking about God in public nowadays is offensive to many and disrespectful, yet, we (again, as a society) allow Satan to be showcased even on national TV and is consider normal... this is not right, and this is a very VERY sad reality.

I guess the Bible wisdom, once again, got it right:

"No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other..." - Matthew 6:24

If we as a society are not serving God... we're serving... well, Satan. This, whether we do it consciously or unconsciously. No, I'm not being rude or judgmental, is just a fact. When we as individuals reject God and His mercy and His plans, He will fully respect our decision and step aside; once He steps aside, we're unavoidably at the mercy and service of the other one. Seeing what's going on in the world right now is both bitter and also sweet. Bitter because it's just sad to see how we're destroying society under the banners of diversity, inclusion and "freedom"... sad to see the environment in which we're raising our children and the new generation who will populate the earth. Sweet because, first, we know for a fact that the Bible got it right once again and Bible prophecy can be trusted, and also because these are all indicators that the coming of Jesus again is near.

The Bible got it right... again...

In the Bible we find a very clear picture of the type of people that would roam around populating earth during the last days, the last stages of this planet earth as we know it. Let's take a look:

"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!" - 2 Timothy 3:1-5

If this is not accurate Bible prophecy, I honestly don't know what is. This is an exact representation of what we see and encounter on a day-to-day basis; given this, it is then no surprise to find ourselves in a society where bad things became the new good and good things became the new bad. Right? What's going on in todays world, the music that is being generated, the movies and shows being produced, the mentality that surrounds the minds of many, the priorities in life... everything that can be used to spread goodness, is just being used to destroy society.

Modern "music", if we can even call it that, is all about advertising sex, drugs, violence and money. In the cinema landscape, pornography is the new normal. Corporate greed reigns and modern slavery is the new normal; people just want to pursue money and everywhere we look online there's just another someone self-advertising their wealth. Social media has become grounds for depression, virtual harassment and even suicide. Money, sex, drugs, selfishness, consumerism are being pushed into our minds daily... I mean, we can ask: "what is going on?!?!", but the reality is that we know exactly what is going on. God is being pushed out, and He is the ONLY one capable of bringing out the goodness in us, a type of goodness that is not tainted with selfishness and self-focused goals.

Modern Entertainment

The Grammy's are supposed to recognize exceptional musical performance; is supposed to celebrate true talent and example of musical inspiration... I hope that you can agree with me that that objective seems to be fading away with time. This year, on the grammy's 2023 awards we had a very peculiar winner duo: Sam Smith & Kim Petras for their song named "Unholy". Just by reading the title of the song we can see where this is going but in case there's doubt, I invite to google-search the lyrics of such song. The mind-blowing thing that happened is not that the song is complete garbage and still won a grammy, is the performance that Sam and Kim played for the audience and on national TV. Let me just put a picture of the scene.

I don't think there's any explanation needed but just in case: the performance was, all things considered, a satanic ritual. Sam played the role of the devil, dressed as the devil, dancers playing demons worshipping satan, fire and red all over the place and, just in case there was doubt, the word "SATAN" was displayed in full on the background during the performance. Disgusting, unartistic and horrendous display to say the least.

Here's the thing, going back to the fact that God gave us free will, if that is Sam Smith and Kim Petras' decision and what they want to sing, worship and be, then so be it. We're nobody to judge and they are simply making use of their God-given free will. I do not have a problem with Sam or Kim as people or even as artists, again, their choice. I do have a problem, however, with a satanic ritual being broadcasted on national TV for everyone to see, including children. We as a society have become so blind that we feel we cannot put God on national TV due to being afraid to offend someone but we seem to have no problem with showcasing the devil and calling it art. We're on an irreversible path to self-destruction and we don't seem to be able to see that.

Not long ago, a Puertorrican singer, Farruko, stopped one of his concerts and started preaching. He asked the fans forgiveness because the lyrics of some of his songs were promoting the use of drugs and other bad things and, as a recently converted man to God, he no longer wanted to advertise that. The amount of negative feedback that came out of that night and critics was astonishing. People, instead of recognizing and celebrating the fact that an artist wanted to do the right thing and talked about his conversion to God, they criticized him because he "cheated them" as they paid to come hear his songs and not to hear a sermon.

You see where we have landed as a society? Talking about God? Definitely not. Doing a satanic ritual on national TV, absolutely; that's "true art". What has happened?

Closing remarks...

Of course, there's plenty more that could be said about where we are and the path we're in as a whole... the sad story is that God being pushed aside along with His morals and laws is the new normal... and whether we want it or not, satan on the society's driving seat is also the new normal. The quest for love, compassion, patience, mercy, selflessness is out of the picture and the quest for sex without commitments, money, luxury, self-centeredness and hate is the new normal. God has a warning:

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20

The Creator and King of the universe is coming, and His judgements with Him. Be careful you don't get lost pursuing the "new normal" and forget that every action we take is being recorded and that one day, we will be held accountable.

Something to think about...

Until next one,

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