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Writer's pictureAllen Rodriguez

All for HIS glory

Well hello there! Welcome.

road leading to the sun and mountains

Did you know that the average adult makes around 33,000 - 35,000 decisions on any given day? Think about that for a moment, that's a lot of decision making. Now, what if someone tells you to do everything, everything, for the glory of God? The task might seem a little impossible, wouldn't it? Might seem hard to take God into account for every decision and every action one takes on any given day... the question is, is it? This is no made up question or statement, the apostle Paul actually invites us to do in his letter to the Corinthians found in 1 Corinthians 10:31...

 "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

How is this even possible? Is this achievable? Realistic? My friend, yes it is. When you fall in love, or when you're "obsessed" with getting something, do you not think about that person or even that something almost non-stop? Do you not do and mold your life to please that person or to get that something? When I met my wife, I could not take her (and still can't) of my head. If I was getting food, I thought about what she would want, if I was getting clothes, I thought about whether she'd like it or wheter to get her a gift. If I hadn't heard from her, I kept thinking about where she might be or what she could be doing. From morning to night-time and even in dreams, she continues to be the center of my attention (after God that is :) ). Earlier in life, I used to be a Halo fan (videogame), and my mom promised to get me the game if I would behave and get good grades.What do you think happen? Everything I did and the work I put in was with the one goal in mind: to get the game.

Life with Jesus, with God, is just like falling in love. Is a relationship like no other. When one comes to Him and reflects on the sacrifice He did for underserving beings like us, we start falling in love with Him. The more we learn about from Him through the Bible, the more we want to please Him, to honor Him, to obey Him, to do things in the way we think will make Him the most happy. He becomes the center of our universe, and you know what? We also become His. He loves you like nobody else will and He wants to walk with you, eat with you, and simply life your life next to you. So yes, it is possible to do ALL things for His glory. Where to start? Start by asking Him into your life and by reading the Bible so you get to know His.

Until next one!

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