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Putting Trust and Admiration in the right place

Not too long ago I my wife and I went on vacation to U.K and Europe. We visited Lisbon in Portugal, the Canary Islands in Spain, Vigo in Spain and London in UK. It was a great trip and we made some new friends from Australia. Before going into London, our new Australian friends recommended we take the Windsor Castle tour. They told us our minds would be blown. We went online, purchased the tickets, took a train to the area where the palace is and off we went! Needless to say, a very beautiful place and very amazing architecture. Here's the thing, amongst all that beautifulness, I did not felt admiration or joy. Yes, I was enjoying the fact that I was there but being amongst the riches of a Dynasty and seeing the lavish lifestyle that some people had in ancient times vs. what the general population outside of the castle walls lived, made me sick to my stomach.

Windsor Castle Public Entrance
Public Entrance to the Windsor Castle

Kings, politicians, leaders... all started when a group of people put their trust in them. Celebrities are celebrities because we put our admiration and attention to them. People in power are usually in power because others believe they can make a difference or because others simply want to have someone to look up to. Here's the thing: human beings are selfish by nature and easily corruptible. Add power and money to the equation and the mix becomes a deadly one. While I was walking the rooms of the palace I couldn't but think about how extreme wealth and living arrangements these family had, while others were likely outside of their walls struggling to find food or a roof. I couldn't but see how evident the distinction between classes was and how sad is the fact that some people put their admiration on people they probably won't ever meet and that will do little to nothing for them. I couldn't but think about the greed of humanity.

God never wanted Israel to have a King or any sort of political hierarchy structure.God's plan for ruling was Him as the leader/King, and everyone else at the same "political" level... no distinction of classes or distribution of power. God was the authority, nobody else. Only Him because only He had (and has) the capacity to be truly fair and of seeing things other could not possibly see. Of course, the people of Israel wanted a King that they could see and talk to and that takes us to Saul. The rest (if you have read the Bible) is history. Saul, who began as a God-led King, became power hungry, got corrupted, began doing injustices without consequences due to the position of power... and Israel as a whole stopped being the same when politics came into the picture with humans at the forefront of power.

Friend, don't put your trust, admiration or even vote of confidence on beings prone to corruption, greed, selfishness and lust... put your all in Jesus, in God who will never disappoint you or fail you. The Bible says:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..." - Jeremiah 29:11

Put your trust and admiration in Him who gave it all for you and who IS love. All the wealth of the world and luxury one can possess will decay in time and one day it'll be worth nothing. Don't be amazed by lavish lifestyles, luxury, money, power... be amazed by the power of love through God, by kindness, giving, selflessness. God will never fail you. Never forget.

Until next one,

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