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The Unpardonable Sin
God is merciful and forgiving, but is He a conditional "forgiver"? The Bible states that there is one Sin that cannot be forgiven so...
Immutable God? Comparing Old and New Testament
Is God immutable? Why is it that many christians get the impression that God's character is different between the Old and New Testament?
What does being a "christian" entails?
Knowing without action is only half of the equation. Similarly, actions without understanding and knowledge is also half of it. Then what...
Meet the Everlasting God
From infinity past to infinity future, God simply IS. Have you met Him? Do you know Him? He knows you and He certainly wants to...
[WARNING!] By your fruits He will know you...
I've spent years of my life reading Matthew and it wasn't until recently that something 'clicked' on me like it hadn't before. When I re...
What is the mark of the beast?
Some say is an implanted chip, others a tattoo in the forehead... seems like we struggle to define what the "mark of the beast is". Well...
What does it mean to forgive?
God has asked us to forgive others, Jesus taught us that we must forgive... but what does forgiving actually entails? Does it mean that...
Should christians eat only certain types of meat?
Some say christians can eat any type of meat, others say otherwise. The question is, what does the Bible truly teaches about this topic?
Church and State: Should these two mix?
The news are recently flooding with posts on the very controversial and hot topic: Church and State. History happened, and then we learned..
Jesus is coming. Get ready!
Do not delay answering the call. As history unfolds and society values and morals continue to decay, now more than ever is important to...
How to serve God?
Churches teach many ways in which we can serve God but, to some degree, the list becomes so long that it can be overwhelming hence lose...
Sabbath or Sunday? Which day God blessed and separated for us?
"Sabbath or Sunday worship?" One of the most frequently asked questions in the christian community, and honestly, one of the simplest to...
3 Things no kid should EVER experience in any religious setting!!
To associate positive memories with God and church is extremely important for a kid's development and relationship with Jesus. Here are 3...
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