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"But I don't feel like it..."
Have you ever felt distant from God? Felt that you don't want to pray? Felt that you're not enough or too sinful to present yourself...
Meet the Everlasting God
From infinity past to infinity future, God simply IS. Have you met Him? Do you know Him? He knows you and He certainly wants to...
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2023!
Ok, two things I want to share with you in this last post of the year: (1) I wish you a merry christmas as a happy new year, and (2)...
[WARNING!] By your fruits He will know you...
I've spent years of my life reading Matthew and it wasn't until recently that something 'clicked' on me like it hadn't before. When I re...
What is the mark of the beast?
Some say is an implanted chip, others a tattoo in the forehead... seems like we struggle to define what the "mark of the beast is". Well...
God, please help me be like this...!!!
In the book of Isaiah we read: "we are the clay, and You our potter"; oh if we could all realize that only God brings about true charac...
What does it mean to forgive?
God has asked us to forgive others, Jesus taught us that we must forgive... but what does forgiving actually entails? Does it mean that...
A commonly underestimated Bible verse...
In Matthew 6 we find one of the most beautiful promises of God in the Bible. Put God on the first place and all of our needs will be...
Should christians eat only certain types of meat?
Some say christians can eat any type of meat, others say otherwise. The question is, what does the Bible truly teaches about this topic?
What's my worth?
Have you ever asked yourself what's your worth? Have you questioned if you are worthy of certain things? Well, let me answer that for...
What if tomorrow doesn't come?
In the blink of an eye life can take a turn for the worst for any of us. If today was to be your last day... what life have you lived? Do...
Church and State: Should these two mix?
The news are recently flooding with posts on the very controversial and hot topic: Church and State. History happened, and then we learned..
Let not your right hand know what the left is doing!
As of lately, there has been a rise in social media videos of people helping the less fortunate financially or in other ways. Although at...
Jesus is coming. Get ready!
Do not delay answering the call. As history unfolds and society values and morals continue to decay, now more than ever is important to...
Which christian church or denomination is 'the right one'?
Within the christian world there are different denominations all claiming to have the 'truth' and to be right. Who is right? Who is wrong?..
Is there life after death?
A commonly asked question and one that even creates dispute within christian denominations: is there life after death? Let's take a look...
Is there evidence for Jesus outside of the Bible?
Christianity in its entirety is built upon the fact that Jesus is the Son of God and that he came to die for all of us. The question is...
Temptation - My Testimony
Just as to all christians around the world, temptation hit me and in all honesty, I almost fell pray to it. Here's my personal testimony...
What to do when temptation hits?
Every day christians around the world are tempted. Temptations is one of the enemy's most effective methods to make us disobey God and...
Love. God. Nature. It's that simple.
Psalms 33:5 states: "...the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord". It is hard to understand more about the love of God when we're...
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