[WARNING!] By your fruits He will know you...
I've spent years of my life reading Matthew and it wasn't until recently that something 'clicked' on me like it hadn't before. When I re...
[WARNING!] By your fruits He will know you...
God, please help me be like this...!!!
A commonly underestimated Bible verse...
3 Things the Bible Teaches to Have a Successful Marriage
What if tomorrow doesn't come?
Let not your right hand know what the left is doing!
Do I need to change before coming to Jesus?
The secret to achieve the change you need in this new year!
5 Dangerous mistakes many christians make (...and shouldn't!!!)
"I have sinned so much... Will God listen to me and forgive me?"
The Danger of Seeking Riches - A Massive Warning
Can (or should) christians go party?
The Danger Zone for Christians
Does God have a purpose for your life?
You are Never Far Enough from Jesus!